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    Welcome to Handan Jinggong construction anchor Manufacturing Co., Ltd! Hotline:+86-13932093786
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    Installation method of Tianhou self cutting anchor bolt

    Clicks:22842021-01-28 15:38:06 

    Installation method of Tianhou self cutting anchor bolt
    Tianhou self cutting anchor bolt has self cutting mechanical locking effect and does not need special reaming bit. It is easy to install, reliable in performance, and can be stressed by tightening. When the screw is tightened to the installation torque, the safety of the anchorage is ensured when the buried depth is insufficient. The tensile and shear capacity under long-term load, cyclic load and earthquake can meet the requirements.
    Self cutting anchor bolt with different anticorrosion technology for Tianhu
    There are two different installation methods according to the requirements:
    A: Preset installation
    1. Determine the drilling depth and diameter according to the specification and model of anchor bolt with ordinary impact drill.
    2. Use manual pump or pneumatic pump to clean the hole, and the hole must be cleaned.
    3. Before installation, tighten all parts of the anchor bolt to ensure that they are not loose, and then insert them into the drilled hole.
    4. Tighten the anchor nut with a torque wrench.
    5. Loosen the nut on the anchor bolt, install the connector to be fixed, and tighten the nut with a torque wrench. The torque must be applied according to the specifications and models of the anchor bolts installed. After reaching a certain torque, the installation is completed.
    B: Penetration installation:
    1. Determine the drilling depth and diameter according to the specification and model of anchor bolt with ordinary impact drill.
    2. Use manual pump or pneumatic pump to clean the hole, and the hole must be cleaned.
    3. Place anchor bolts, nuts and gaskets, and fasten all accessories. The bottom of the screw should be flush with the bottom of the cone.
    4. Put the anchor bolt into the hole through the fixture, and push the anchor bolt into the hole by hammering until the gasket and nut are close to the surface of the substrate.
    5. Tighten the anchor bolt nut with a torque wrench to the installation torque to complete the installation.
    1. Preset installation means that the prepared anchor bolt is put into the hole first, and then the fixed object is connected for installation.
    2. Penetrating installation means that the anchor bolt is put into the hole through the fixed object before installation, and the hole of the fixed object should be larger than the maximum outer diameter of the anchor bolt.
    3. When the shear strength is high, the penetrating installation method should be considered.
    4. When using the penetrating anchor bolt, please measure the thickness of the anchored object, so as to customize the length of the anchor bolt.
    Tianhou self cutting anchor bolt has been widely used in subway, high-speed railway and other projects.
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