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    Welcome to Handan Jinggong construction anchor Manufacturing Co., Ltd! Hotline:+86-13932093786
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    Seiko will tell you the factors that affect the performance of chemical anchor bolt

    Clicks:21822020-09-27 15:30:55 

    Handan Jinggong construction anchor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. is a high-tech enterprise engaged in research, development, production, sales and service of building anchor parts. It has rich experience in chemical anchor bolt. Seiko construction understands the factors that affect the performance of chemical anchor bolt!
    1. Influence of operation in construction process on strength of chemical anchor bolt
    Excessive mixing has a great influence on the fixing strength of chemical anchor bolt. It is necessary to mark the embedded depth on the bolt. When the mark of screw in bolt reaches the hole surface, it should be stopped in time. The cleaning of dust in the hole has a great influence on the chemical anchor bolt. The larger the hole diameter is, the drawing load will be significantly reduced. In the drilling operation, if there is honeycomb hole, it is necessary to move it under the original hole Position to continue drilling. Insert the specified chemical anchor bolt. After embedding and mixing with the screw with the specified diameter, pull out the screw immediately, insert a chemical anchor bolt again, bury and stir the screw again until the resin mixture overflows near the orifice, and stop the construction mixing action immediately.
    2. Hidden danger caused by the deficiency of chemical anchor bolt
    The fire resistance performance of chemical anchor bolt has always been a problem of concern. Some products contain a large amount of styrene, which is unstable when exposed to heat, which directly affects the fire resistance performance of chemical anchor bolt, with low price, unstable quality, short storage time and aging resistance. In addition, there are two kinds of packaging for chemical agents on the market, one is plastic hose, the other is glass tube. Glass can be used as fine aggregate and can be used completely. In addition, it is easy to see whether the components in the glass package are expired. However, the cost of glass packaging is higher than that of plastic.
    The above is the content of chemical anchor bolt shared by Seiko architecture. I hope it can help you. Anchor manufacturer, we are worthy of your choice!
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    Address: Southwest Industrial Park, Yongnian District, Handan City, Hebei Province
    Contact: manager Du
    Mobile: +86 13932093786
    Email: hdjinggong@aliyun.com
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