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    Welcome to Handan Jinggong construction anchor Manufacturing Co., Ltd! Hotline:+86-13932093786
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    Seiko architecture brings you to know chemical anchor bolt!

    Clicks:18802020-09-27 15:26:54 

    Anchor bolt is a kind of fixed parts used in mining, tunnel construction and other places. It can also be used in equipment installation, highway, bridge and guardrail installation, building reinforcement and transformation and other occasions. There are many types and specifications of anchor bolt. However, there is a new type of anchor bolt, which is more powerful and stronger than general anchor bolt. This is chemical anchor bolt.

    It is estimated that many partners have not heard of this name. I am very curious about the difference between chemical anchor bolt and ordinary mechanical bolt, and how chemical anchor bolt plays an anchoring role. Chemical anchor bolt is a new type of anchoring material, which is mainly composed of chemical agent and metal screw. The chemical agent of chemical anchor bolt is mainly made of corrosion-resistant vinyl resin, quartz particles and curing agent. It is also known as chemical bolt. Chemical anchor bolt has good anti-seismic and tensile properties and is mainly used for curtain wall structure, installation machine, steel structure, guardrail and window The fixation or reinforcement of a household.

    After reading this article, do you have a new understanding of chemical anchor? If you have other needs, please consult us. We Jinggong construction anchoring Manufacturing Co., Ltd. relies on strong strength, modern management, perfect after-sales service system, abides by the enterprise spirit of "seeking truth and innovation, relying on science and technology, and continuous development", and in good faith The principle of customer service, and colleagues from all walks of life to work together, common development, create brilliant and performance!

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    Wedge Anchors
    Chemical anchor bolt
    Casing gecko
    Three, four geckos
    Stainless steel series
    Expansion series
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    Address: Southwest Industrial Park, Yongnian District, Handan City, Hebei Province
    Contact: manager Du
    Mobile: +86 13932093786
    Email: hdjinggong@aliyun.com
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