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    Welcome to Handan Jinggong construction anchor Manufacturing Co., Ltd! Hotline:+86-13932093786
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    Seiko Construction: how does hafen trough occupy the market?

    Clicks:29052020-09-27 15:26:01 

    Hafen groove is a kind of embedded parts used in construction. The embedded device first embeds the C-shaped groove in the concrete, then buckles the big head of the T-bolt into the c-groove, and then the components to be installed are fixed with T-bolts.

    The quality characteristics of hafen channel steel mainly include: high bearing capacity, up to 32KN or 128kn / M; small edge distance, up to 5cm; easy to adjust; no noise and dust during installation; official certification has been obtained, which can be used for static and dynamic bearing; excellent corrosion resistance, stainless steel or hot-dip galvanized steel are used. Combined with the above quality characteristics, hafen channel steel has become an irreplaceable product for all designers and users. It is a building enclosure wall made of aluminum alloy or other metal as framework and enclosed by glass. Walls with single and double glazing. The thickness of reflective insulating glass is 6 mm, and the weight of the wall is about 40 kg / m2. It has the advantages of light and beautiful, not easy to pollute and save energy. The inner side of the outer glass of the curtain wall is coated with colored metal coating. From the appearance, the whole exterior wall is like a mirror, reflecting the scenery of the sky and the surrounding environment. When the light changes, the image is colorful and changeable. Under the reflection of light, the room is not exposed to strong light, and the vision is soft.

    Handan Jinggong construction anchorage Manufacturing Co., Ltd. was established in 1997. It is a high-tech enterprise focusing on research, development, production, sales and service of building anchors. The main products are chemical anchor bolt, vehicle repair gecko, mechanical anchor bolt, steel structure large hexagon bolt and other products.

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    Wedge Anchors
    Chemical anchor bolt
    Casing gecko
    Three, four geckos
    Stainless steel series
    Expansion series
    Contact us

    Address: Southwest Industrial Park, Yongnian District, Handan City, Hebei Province
    Contact: manager Du
    Mobile: +86 13932093786
    Email: hdjinggong@aliyun.com
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